About Me

Mei was born in Hong Kong on May 28th.  She moved to Vancouver, BC on November 30th, 1986.

She grew up in a hard-working middle-class family of 7; six sisters, no brothers.

Mei loves playing all sorts of sports in school and played basketball all through highschool.  She started studying Kinesiology in her first year of College but thought she would grow out of her love for sports and switched to studying Linguistics.  This led her into Customer Support jobs where she offered her background in leadership, teaching and training.

Throughout the years, she began to realize her passion for learning, sharing, and staying active.  Mei felt most engaged when she was learning and challenging herself to a new activity and most at peace when she could focus on self improvement.  With these aforementioned traits, it makes sense to marry the art of Yoga with Mei’s passion to learn and grow.

Currently, Mei cannot think of anything else in the world that would satisfy her thirst for knowledge and she would like to share this with everyone around her.


Visit my site: www.beautifulomyoga.com

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